
Our Diet Starts Tomorrow

Lindsey: It's 12:10AM on a Monday night and I am currently sitting on my suede apartment couch with green mush smothered all over my face and watching 27 dresses along with my three beautiful roommates. Anyways, Em? Your turn.

Emily: Why would we be sitting here with this moss-colored slime on our faces? Well, you see, we've implemented a new health plan in our apartment. We have dubbed this the "Our Diet Starts Tomorrow" plan, except it really does start tomorrow, and it's not really a "diet" more like a healthy lifestyle, and it will keep going on past tomorrow. Take it away Linds!

Lindsey: Alright, so maybe I'll explain how this all came to be. Ash and I decided to take a trip to in-n-out and while sitting there eating our hamburgers, milkshake, and fries, we began to discuss how terrible our daily routine is, how awful our sleep, eating, and exercise patterns were...while eating fast food! Did I mention that? So we walked out of In-n-out with some life goals in mind. After which we took a stroll over to Barns and Noble where we emerged ourselves in the self-improvement section.

Emily: While this was happening, I was hard at work selling diamonds to couples who are happily in love.

Lindsey: Emily came home to quite the scene in front of her in the living room where she saw...

Emily: Well, more like heard. I was having a nice chat with my mother when I walk in to hear, "Emily, we're so glad you're home!!!!" from Ashley and then I see Amanda THROW her arms up in the air while Lindsey yells, "WE'RE TURING OUR LIVES AROUND!" Then I hung up the phone cause I just felt weird.

Lindsey: But don't worry, we soon sucked her into our self-improvement fest.

Emily: Yes. Yes they did.

Lindsey: Anyways, now--here we sit--blogging--while we let a rotten banana concoction dry all crusty-like on our faces and eat muddy buddies while watching 27 Dresses and imagining our fantasy love life, while Amanda glances down at her left finger periodically throughout the film (who is already engaged).

Emily: As you can tell...
It's been a REAL good night.

Lindsey: Yep :)

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